5 Alternative Theories to Edge of Tomorrow

5 Alternative Theories to Edge of Tomorrow


Yes Kagutaba liked this movie and you should see it and read the thousands of theories that exist on the interweb. But if you prefer to know what a demon thinks of this movie and how it differs from a mortal view here are my thoughts.

1. The Omega is probably not the Omega.

Think about it for a second. The names given to the creatures are Alpha and Omega. Omega might mean the end for us but it is probably not the actual end. Am I referring to the possibility of life on Mars? No. I am simply pointing out that the information regarding the Omega are given to us from the Doctor, Blunt and Cruise. Just like all other information. Why should we trust some information and distrust others? Because some of the information is gained through experience and other information seems to be gained by word of mouth. The existence of the entities which are blue and otherwise isn’t to be disputed to some extent simply because Europe is over-run by them. But the existence of the Omega is possibly known to only three people in the movie. Two of these folk have received the information via a dream that is later shown to be an ‘illusion’. What we know for sure is that upon killing a blue being and being engulfed in it’s blood causes some of the time to reset with the party involved retaining information regarding the reset itself among other things. Beyond this, the connection that exists between this being and the primary being, details of the resetting ability of the Omega and other information have been obtained by methods that we need to distrust given that the visions are illusions. The Omega needn’t necessarily be the main boss whose death ends the game and it gives you an ending and credits. Killing the Omega could be stage one of many stages. I don’t want that idea to go overboard with more powerful Omegas or Omegas which can reset larger sections of the universe. I simply mean that the Omega is not the Omega which in a way shows the ending to be a false happy ending and most likely a short lived one.

2. The spinning top was never Cobb’s totem.

Wrong movie? True but this second point talks about how the item used for his(Cruise) grip of reality in the movie Edge of Tomorrow is his memories. Only his memories show him that the day has indeed been reset and that he has survived death. Without that awareness, he can never know what could’ve possibly happened and has in turn caused something else to happen the second or nth time around. So what was Cobb’s totem again? His wedding ring. What was Arthur’s? Not the die. Maybe the number of stairs in the stairwell when it forms the Penrose. What was Heames? OK I shall stop. What was Cruises real proof of reality that the audience is unaware of? The fact that he was a Major. Now I know you’re saying this is bullshat. But let me go over this for a second. If a ball you left on the table last night was replaced with a turkey the next morning, you’d think it’s magic. Similarly if a tooth turns into a quarter under a pillow, you’d think it’s a fairy who has done this(or the parents). The point here is that if he is indeed gaining information every time the day is reset. There has to be fundamental things which have to change about reality or the universe to accommodate this extra information within a given space. And interacting with the process of adding information to a pre-existing space creates a paradoxical situation which will requires the laws of nature to be modified. What other way could this happen? Perhaps it just can’t. You can shove another theory in here which could be based on the whole thing being a dream if needed. In a movie where aliens are in the midst of conquering earth / terra-forming it, we find an alien with the power to manipulate the fundamental nature of reality. Deus Ex Machina anyone? Assuming that time travel is not possible just the same way you can’t shove a bit of information into a fully turgid universe, the only sense of what’s real we are offered is the timeline where is a major. Everything else is something else. Maybe a dream.

3. The Matrix has you.

Hovering on the impossibility of time travel one might ask the question, whether Time(100 billion light years across) itself was reset on the command of a small being in the basement of the Louvre. Here are some logical questions one can ask about this ability if an alien acquired it at some point during the duration of the universe.
Q1. Why can’t the alien kill the first human?
Q2. Why can’t the alien reset the day every zillionth of a second avoiding the need to reset only when an alpha dies?
Q3. Why can’t the alien use the entire human race as its alphas?
Q4. If time seems to be a parameter of the universe that it can flip back at will, perhaps there are other parameters that it can flip around? The speed of light? The gravity of earth?
Q5. For most fundamentalists, the universe is deterministic. With this assumption what’s the point of resetting time? Ok perhaps there is a point and that if one could transcend the universe itself, perhaps one can study and make different decisions as it proceeds. If this is true, if one has transcended the universe, why do you want this piece of dirt again?
Q6. Assuming the possibility of the earth and the universe being a matrix like environment that the alien can reset when it want’s to, this presents an integral, disturbing and existential problem. If Cruise being the hero and winning, is the one we would like to experience, what about the one where Blunt wins, the one where the doctor saves the world, the one where noone does anything and the alien gives humans the ability to cure all diseases in return of all the gold on the planet? [Many worlds and multiverse theories can be inserted here].

4. Dante’s circles of hell.


Since we know that upon consuming the blood of the alpha, the person is able to receive broadcasts from the Omega, it is very possible that the Omega can also broadcast to all beings on the planet by using chem-trails to spray the blood all over the planet for a few hundred years unbeknownst to the population. This theory would bring up the possibility of the live, die, repeat cycles are really just visions shoved into one or many or all humans on the planet. This way it might be convoluted yet possible that the visions are a hell that the primary or all characters are subjected to since all they base their reality on is perception when the creature claims to control time, that allows the perception of reality.

5. The purpose of purpose makes your head swirl.

The Omega is supposedly trying to take over Earth. Any creature that’s trying to take over a planet is probably doing so for one thing: resources. Arguably the reason could be because it wants a location that is not too hot or too cold where it can rest when it visits it’s aunt who lives in Alpha Centauri. But going by the movie or the novel, it is to use earth to accomplish setting up its civilization here. This is important because it can be on the moon and send alphas to earth. It could be 100 light years away from earth and send alphas to earth so that if they die and Tom Cruise is around to gain that power, he can never travel faster than light to reach the Omega and destroy it unless he plans to live over a hundred years. Which brings up another problem really. If you invented a nuclear bomb, you’d most likely invent planes to deliver them to your target and being a suicide bmber wouldn’t be your first choice. These are some plot holes that come up when navigating through the last theory which is that the movie is not a navigation of time but the hero’s journey. Time itself is an alien like mechanism that latches itself onto one sentient at a time who it picks to be the hero of a story formed from chaos. It is a little out there, I know. But just for a second extinguish the fact that this is Cruise in an action movie and consider the situation where there’s a peek hole available to anyone outside of the universe and if they looked inside, they’d see the current event on the screen. Depending on who is portrayed up front as the winner, there can be many people who qualify for this and are selected time and again. Blunt’s character claims she lost that power a while back which could be her referring to the fact that the person who is using the peek hole has stopped looking at her and proceeded to look at Cruise. So then why does he come back after he’s dead? think of this as the having the ‘favor’ of the observer. The observer has the option of picking another character or even playing as the villain of the story, the observer has quite a few options really. The observer could pick not to do anything anymore once Cruise has died once. This theory beings out the obvious point in the movie that it resembles video games. The scene before the credits at the end of the movie are just a creative way of saying you’re playing a portion that you’ve played already. Once you’re done playing the ‘main’ story line, you can always go visit the side character who is training pointlessly in the mountains. Or you can choose to go on your journey to another place. Hope this read was useful. Forgive the indulgent deviations. I try to be as original while remaining as sane as a demon can be. Kagutaba out!

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