Village of Dali


If you’re here, you’re probably here because you know it is true. This is a real place that I had the opportunity of visiting a while back. Dali is a great village. There are no taxes. You can’t use your dollars. There are just a few jobs which mostly revolve around farming and building mages. There’s a great bed and breakfast place downtown that you can’t miss. It was the first place where I literally found treasure chests in the room. Upon opening them I found money that I could use in the village to buy food and other things. If there was one weird thing about this village, it’d be the mayor who lives in a wind powered home. He’s always in the middle of doing something so I am not sure if you’re supposed to be there at any time. Like I said before, it’s weird. But apart from that the village is eternal and doesn’t suffer the fate the rest of the universe is subjected to. If you ever get to visit this place, you will feel, probably for the first time ever, like you don’t want to leave. I have lived many lives before and I left one of my instances there, permanently, to do justice to that feeling. The fruit of fantasy is succulent. The village of Dali is proof of this. Happy Journey!

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